Event details
- Friday | September 10, 2021 to Saturday | October 16, 2021
- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
- 10 Morgan Street Jersey City
OPENING September 10th, 7-9PM
Iconography, old and new, exists in our everyday lives. It is, incorporated through a less traditional sense in Leibow’s work. In his new solo show FeelLicks, an exhibition of figurative abstraction merges between his paintings, sculpture, and collaged installation. Leibow draws influence from a wide range of sources, including vintage characters and popular urban culture, combining cartoonish contrivance with aggressive use of color in a process that is his raw mark-making.
Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism influence Leibow’s reconstructed composition, referencing characters such as Anpanman, Felix the Cat, Batman, One Punch Man, and Anime. His methodology goes through stages of visual architecture, forming obscure, almost feline shapes that fuse into an up-cycle icon known as FeelLicks.
“The current series references the dues we have to pay, the pleasures we seek and often represent gender, desire, possibility, and poetic motifs around the human condition.”