I spent many years working in large corporations hiding my identity as an Artist. In fact, I have been a woodcut printmaker for 26 years making over 330 different prints about my experiences in the workplace unbeknownst to my bosses. I had many stressful, brutal and enlightening experiences as an employee and as a middle manager which I have incorporated into my artwork. My work is about the boss who wants to be worshiped and has an entitled sense of himself, the employee who is submissive to the boss and fears for his livelihood, day to day workplace dynamics and many other things in between. My inspiration comes from my experiences at my office and from investigating what is happening in the political and historical world as well as from observation of Western, Asian, African, Oceanic and Ethnologic art at museums. I recently completed prints related to the Corona Virus Pandemic and its effect on the workplace and the racial inequities vividly demonstrated over the Spring of 2020. I print my woodcuts with a master woodcut printmaker, Kathy Caraccio, whose studio is in New York City. I regularly exhibit my work in museums and galleries in the New York City and New Jersey area.