I’ve always enjoyed all types of artistic expression and in my younger years I dabbled in various types of media. Then life happened and creating art took a backseat to motherhood, work and caring for family. Unfortunately, I forgot to make time for art.
My happy reunion withcreating art and my interest in digital painting and drawing began when my very clever and thoughtful son gifted me with an Apple Pencil for Christmas in 2018 and said to me “You used to do art. You don’t do art anymore. I want you to do art again.” And as my son has always known me better than I know myself and has always given me hope and strength throughout the years, I made a promise to myself (and him) that I would “do art again”. Almost two years and over 250 digital paintings later, I’m thrilled and proud to call myself an artist once again!
I’m retiring in December of 2020 after a 39 year career at the Leonia Public Library. Over the years I’ve had the privilege and pleasure to view many wonderful art exhibits by Leonia artists at the Library.
In 2019 I had the honor of presenting my own artwork – the first ever Digital Art exhibit at the Leonia Library. My art is currently available to view on the library’s website, Leonialibrary.org